Stemme Owners' Group


This group is an information sharing resource for owners and operators of Stemme aircraft.

Stemme aircraft are produced by Stemme AG
SOG Mail Server
The SOG discussion group has existed since 1989 and the list archives exist all the way back to the inception of the group.

SOG is a discussion forum provided by volunteers who do this because they love the aircraft that Stemme make.

SOG has had various 'lives' on various list management platforms since 1989. These days SOG is a Google Groups list.

The list is a closed group for owners or pilots of Stemme aircraft and those who are maintaining them.

If you meet that criteria and you'd like to join the group, click on the link above and request access (google account required).

Alternatively, you can drop a line to:

Please note that the list is not open to prospective Stemme aircraft owners. People interested in acquiring one of these wonderful aircraft are invited to contact one of the Stemme sales agencies noted above or to consult Internet resources such as the rec.aviation.soaring Usenet newsgroup.